End of Year Results

By the end of 2015-16 school year I will

1. learn how to type the correct way.

2. have only A's and B's.

3. Pass 9th grade .

4. Improve my soccer skills.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Student Success Statement

“It is our duty to concentrate all our influence to make popular that which is sound and good, and unpopular that which is unsound”
                                                                                ~Joseph Smith

This is a really good quote by Joseph Smith. It is our job to do what is right. We have to make what is popular CTR. For example now a days most popular things are bad like drugs and alcohol. We have to make those bad popular things unpopular. Then all the people are going to want to do what is popular and if popular is CTR then everyone will be choosing the right. If you don't want to drink and you are getting pressured into doing so because it’s popular do not  do it. Not everything that is popular is CTR. Do what is right rather than what is trending. Rather than the popular thing.

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