"If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true, do not say it." ~Marcus Aurelius
This quote means that if something is wrong don't do it. Even if you are pressured do not do it. Stand up for yourself and do what you truly want to do and what you know that is best. Stand up for yourself even if you are the only one doing so. If you do something that is not right then you are going to regret it later. It might affect your life majorly. This quote also means that if something is false don't say it. If you do say it you will be a liar. You have to be honest and say the truth. The truth can hurt sometimes but it is better if they hurt you with the truth than comfort you with a lie. For example, if you want to cheat do not do it because it is not right. Another example would be if you say you are going to study to your friends house but instead you are going to a party say the truth because if something bad happened to you no one is going to be able to find you because they will be searching for you at the movies.

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