End of Year Results
By the end of 2015-16 school year I will
1. learn how to type the correct way.
2. have only A's and B's.
3. Pass 9th grade .
4. Improve my soccer skills.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Healthcare Administrator
and responsibilities:
Health care administrators,
also known as medical and health services managers or health care executives,
coordinate the activities of medical organizations ranging from doctors’
offices to hospital departments to health care corporations. They create goals
and the strategies for achieving, and communicate this information to employees.
$64,821 per year
Masters or Bachelor’s degree
I think I wouldn’t want to become a healthcare
administrator. This is not something I imagine myself doing in the future. I
would like to be the one doing the action and helping patients out. A healthcare administrator is not a job that interests
me at all.
Friday, October 23, 2015
"A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches." ~ Proverbs 22:1
This quote means that having a good name is worth more than all the riches in the world. How people react when they hear your name is worth more than many expensive stuff. Its up to you if you want to have a good name or not. All your actions count. You can have all the money in the world and be a really bad person but people are not going to like you. You are not going to be able to live your life like if you were a CTR person. A Person who has a good name but is not as wealthy is worth more than a person who doesn't have a good name but is really wealthy. An example would be a really cocky person who has all the money in the world but doesn't spent a cent in a good cause. That person would have a bad name people would dislike that person. On the other hand a CTR person who isn't rich and is help full will have a good name and even if they don't have all the money in the world they will have a good name. Money doesn't buy everything in this world.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015
"A good name is better than anything you can achieve in this life." ~ Coach K (Mike Krzyzewski)
This quote by coach K means that the best thing you could accomplish in life is to have a good name. Having a good name means that when people hear your name mentioned they will have a positive reaction rather than a negative one. If you are a CTR person you will most likely have a good name. On the other hand if you are a CTW person you will have a bad name. For example if people hear the name of a thief they will most likely have a negative reaction. They will start talking bad about that person. On the other hand, if people hear the name of a good CTR person they will have a positive reaction and start talking good about that person. Its up to you weather you have a good name or not. Your actions will affect the way people look and think about you. If you want people to think of you as an inspiration then you should start choosing the right. If you are a CTR person you will have a good reputation.Monday, October 19, 2015
"If your so-called friends urge you to do anything you known to be wrong, you be the one to make a stand for the right, even if you stand alone. Have the moral courage to be a light for others to follow." ~Thomas S. Monson
This quote means that when you get peer pressured to do something that is wrong you have to stand up for yourself even if you are the only one . You have to be a leader not a follower. You have to set the example for others who are afraid to stand up for themselves. Many people do what others do even if its wrong because they are afraid to speak up for themselves , they are afraid of what others are going to say. They are afraid of being different from others. They are afraid of getting bullied just because they are different. Being different is good though because an original is worth more than a copy. If you stand for the right then others who have always wanted to but have been afraid will stand too. For example if your Friends peer pressure you to do drugs and you don't want to you must stand for the right , and if they are your real friends they will respect your decision. You always have to do what is right and be a CTR person.Thursday, October 15, 2015
"A CTR champion is a person who makes a great human out of himself." ~Noemi Trigueros
This quote means that a CTR champion always does what is best. A CTR champion always chooses the right and never regrets it because you never regret doing the right thing. It means that a CTR champ always tries to be a better person, they give it their best at everything they do. They tend to be a very great individual. They try to be an example for the rest to follow. They try to be a difference in the world and they try to make this world a better place. They make a great human our of themselves. A CTR champ is one who cares and helps others. They always obey and choose the right. A CTR champ tries to be the best he/she could possibly be.
Ear, nose, and throat specialist (ENT)
Duties and responsibilities:
An ENT treats disorders of ears, including hearing loss,
balance disorders, ringing in the ears, and congenital disorders of the inner
and outer ear. They also treat disorders in the sinuses and nasal cavities,
such as snoring, nasal blockage caused by a deviated septum, allergies, polyps,
and smell and taste disorders. They also look for migraine headaches. They also
treat diseases and disorders of the throat, thyroid, esophagus and the larynx,
or voice box.
$377,430 per year
You need a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college
or university.
I think I would like to become an ENT. I think so because
it would be nice to help our people from all ages that have ear, nose, or
throat problems. It would be great knowing that because of me that person is
better. This is something I would probably imagine myself doing in the future.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
"Success is not an accident. Success is actually a choice. Are the habits you have today on par with the dreams you have of tomorrow?" ~ Alan Stein
This quote means that success is not an accident it does not happen by serendipity. Success is actually a choice. In order to be successful you have to be a CTR person and you always have to choose the right. Success is like a reward for always being a good CTR person. On the other hand if you are a CTW person you will not be successful in life and you will get a punishment. The habits you have today will influence the dreams you have tomorrow. For example if there is a person who helps out others, does good in school, and obeys the rules that person will be most likely successful in the future. That person will mostly have a better life from others that Chose the wrong. If there is a person who does bad in school and doesn't obey the rules then that person will not be successful. That person will be punished. The choices you make now will determine where you are going to end up in the future and its going to determine if you are successful or not.Friday, October 9, 2015
"When obedience becomes our goal, it is no longer an irritation; instead of a stumbling block, it becomes a building block." ~ James E. Faust
This quote means that when we set our mind to being obedient it no longer becomes hard or difficult to do so. It becomes very easy and it becomes mundane to us. If we obey all the time then its going to become very easy . If you are a person that doesn't obey then its going to be a little bit harder for you to start obeying the rules and become a CTR person. If we are diligent to accomplishing our goal of obedience and we work hard for it then we could most likely accomplish it. You can do anything you set your mind to. Nothing in this world is impossible you can be anything you want. This takes hard work and dedication. For example if your goal is to obey your parents and you work hard for it then you could accomplish it. After you accomplish your goal then its going to become mundane for you to obey your parents. For example if you use profanity all the time then you are going to get used it and its going to become normal to you and sometimes you wont even noticed you used it.Wednesday, October 7, 2015
"Choosing the right is always the right thing to do." ~ Alex Linares
This quote means that choosing the right is making good choices which is the right thing to do. For example if you help others that's the right thing to do. If you always choose the right you will get rewarded. If you choose the wrong you will get punished. You making good choices represents the kind of person YOU are. It shows who you really are.
Duties and responsibilities:
Dermatologist is physicians who treat conditions related
to the skin, though they may also treat disorders related to the hair and
Bachelor’s degree and 1 year internship
I think I wouldn’t like to become a dermatologist because
this career. Doesn’t interest me. It’s not something I imagine myself doing in
the future. It would be nice to help people with skin conditions but I just don’t
seem interested in this job.
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