Class Evaluation
1. Some things I liked about this class were when we would work on our Microsoft Xcel worksheet because I learned many new things about Xcel that I didn't know before. I also liked the CTR card checks because it was fun seeing who had them and who didn't and if we did we would get rewarded. Also the CTR videos we would see.
2. Some things I did not like about this class is that we didn't really explore more programs for the computer.
3. What I recommend for this class is to explore more programs so students can learn more about them.
4. I highlight for me in this class would be the videos we would watch about people choosing the right. They were very interesting to watch.
5. I feel like I did my best in this class in everything except the journals because I kind off got behind a bit , but then I caught up.
6. yes, I try to read my life planning goals each day and when I skip a day I make up for it the next day and I do the double amount of time.
7. Yes I am committed to being a CTR person because I learned what could happen to me if I CTW and I've heard about the consequences.
8. What I learned about this class that I am looking forward to telling other students who unfortunately haven't taken this class yet would be the importance of CTR and how your decisions determine where you are going to end up, therefore you have to be careful.
9. What I will always remember about this class is going to be to always CTR, and about how many people CTW and the consequences they had to face.
End of Year Results
By the end of 2015-16 school year I will
1. learn how to type the correct way.
2. have only A's and B's.
3. Pass 9th grade .
4. Improve my soccer skills.
Thursday, June 9, 2016
Student Success Statement
“You will go far with CTR”
~Mr. Haymore
This is a very outstanding quote by Mr. Haymore. What this quote means is that when you CTR you will go really far in life. All your hard work and dedication will finally pay off. When you CTR you will continue to grow and grow as a person. You will grow straight above, like a palm tree. If you CTW you will not grow straight up. You are going to curve and go down. Steph curry continues to grow up and straight above. While the other guy, James on was growing up but then he CTW and now he's going no where. You can be the best player but if you CTW it isn't going to matter how good you are. If you CTW it can change your whole life completely just ask Jameson. You can go from being the most known person to a nobody. If you chose the right you will escalate your way to the top and be the most known and skilled person. It only takes one wrong/bad decision to fall all the way to the bottom and never be able to get back up. If you are having trouble making a decision, chose the right one because you will never regret CTR.
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
The ultimate choice
Of all the choices you will ever make, one choice supersedes all others- the ultimate choice. This one choice will help you to always make the correct decision for the remainder of your life. This one choice, The ultimate choice, is your keystone for being the best student and person you can possibly be. This one choice will affect you for good more than any other choice.
The ultimate choice is :
To be a CTR Person- to always CHOOSE THE RIGHT 24/7 !!!!!
~Mr. Haymore
This is an excellent quote my Mr. Haymore. What I think this quote means is that the best decision you could ever make is to be a CTR person. Being a CTR person will make your life easier. It will guide you to the right path. It will make, making decisions way easier. If you are a CTR person you won’t have to worry about making a wrong decision because when you CTR you are never wrong. CTR will make you a better person each day. If you CTR good things will happen to you. You will get rewarded for your good deeds. You will feel so much better about yourself.
The Harmful Effects of Tobacco
Smoking is very dangerous. Smoking damages your lungs and can eventually cause lung disease or even lung cancer. Breathing tobacco smoke can change your blood chemistry and damage your blood vessels. Your blood pressure and heart rate go up when smoking. 15.7% of teens smoke in the united states. We can help promote non smoking by making many gatherings and informing people about the harmful effects of smoking. We can also pass out flyers. I promise never to use tobacco product.
Friday, June 3, 2016
Student Success Statement
If there is beauty in character,
there will be harmony in the home.
If there is harmony in the home,
there will be order in the nation.
If there is order in the nation,
there will be peace in the world.
If there is beauty in character,
there will be peace in the world.
~Chinese Proverb
What this means is that if everyone in the world has a good character then the world will be a better place. The world would have harmony. The would would be full of peace. The problem is that not everyone has good character in this planet. Some people are too selfish and only think about themselves. They only care about themselves and not about others. Hopefully one day all those people with excellent characters can help those with not so good character. Everyone in this world was born with a good character. But many people were taught to have not such a good character. Hopefully one day we can make this world a better place.
Challenges Teens Face Today
Several Main challenges teens face today are Drugs, Study pressure, pressure in a relationship, needing to look good, depression,addiction to social network, eating disorders, and keeping their grades up. A major challenges I am dealing with today would be trying to balance out school and soccer. To try to overcome this challenge I try to finish all my hw in class and whatever I have left I do it at home after practice. It would also be grades because if I slack off a little it will go down. Being a CTR person has helped me overcome any challenges i might face because I mostly am able to identify which is the right decision to make. Also it helps me not slack off and stay on top of my game. I can help other teens overcome challenges by advising them by strategies and what i do in order to overcome a challenge.
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Malik Stewart & Roman Chapa
These 2 stories are some great example of what we should do and what we shouldn’t. Malik Stewart teaches us how in life you aren’t always going to win, and when you lose you have to know how to be a good loser. He teaches us good values. When Malik last the fight he went to go hug the winners dad. The winners dad was fighting cancer and malik knew what he was going through because he went through the similar thing with his dad. His dad was suffering from heart attacks so he knew what it felt like to want to make that special person proud. Roman Chapa is an example we shouldn't follow. He is a cheater who would cheat in horse races. He would electrocute his horse so he can go faster. He won that race but was caught. This is something we shouldn't do. It is better to fail with honor than win by cheating. After all , if you fail with honor you are still a winner.
Student Success Statement
“I would prefer even to fail with honor than win by cheating.”
This is an excellent quote by Sophocles. This quote means that it's better to lose the game fair and square. It’s better to know that you gave it your all and still lost because at least you feel proud of yourself. If you win by cheating then you will feel bad about yourself. You are going to feel disappointed in yourself. In life when you cheat , you are only cheating yourself. You are the only person you are harming. If you win and you win fairly then you will feel really good about yourself. Cheaters never win, and when they are caught they get even more consequences. For example if you cheat on a test and get an A but then you get caught, you will have even more consequences as if you would have not cheated but passed the test.
Student Success Statement
E. Coli Outbreak Prompts massive general mills flour recall
Federal and state health offices are investigating an outbreak of E.coli 0121 that has caused 38 cases of illnesses across 20 states. Ten of those individuals have been hospitalized. Many people are blaming general Mills because they used their flour before becoming sick. General Mills says that it isn't their fault, and that their flour doesn't have e.coli 0121.People infected consumed flour while being raw,General Mills says that in their product they recommend not to eat raw flour because it's bad. People and general Mills brand are involved in this issue. This issue is related to me because it can happen to me if I would have consumed that flour.
Friday, May 27, 2016
Memorial Day
Memorial day is a day where we honor and remember those who have died in active military service. Memorial day falls on Monday, May 30. Some ways to show honor and respect on memorial day are to make a thank you letter for a soldier. Also you can show honor and respect by visiting a local veterans cemetery , or war memorial. You can also visit and take cookies to a nearby Veterans hospital. These are all many ways to celebrate veterans day. On memorial day I will enjoy my freedom by spending time with my family. I will also maybe go to the cemetery. I think memorial day is a great holiday. We should truly take our time to celebrate this holiday because many people have died for us to be where we are at now.
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Eight great reasons to tell the truth
- Telling the truth lets everyone know what really happened. There is a less chance of misunderstanding , confusion, or conflict.
- Telling the truth protects innocent people from being blamed or punished.
- Telling the truth allows everyone to learn from what happened.
- You usually get into less trouble for telling the truth other than for lying (and getting caught).
- Other people trust you more when you tell the truth.
- You don't have to tell (and remember) more lies to keep your story straight.
- You gain reputation for being truthful- a trait most people value.
- Telling the truth helps you feel secure and peaceful inside.
These here are some excellent reasons to tell the truth. Telling the truth is much more simpler than telling a lie. When you lie it gets you into another and another lie. A lie is very hard to keep and will eventually come out. The truth always comes out. If you tell the truth you might get in trouble but if you lie the consequences will be 10 times worse.
Yoga Therapist
Duties and responsibilities: The number one job of a yoga therapist is to keep their clients healthy, flexible and safe. They must ensure that all the poses are executed correctly and without injury.
Salary: $39,410
Education: high school diploma
Demand: 13% Growth
Reflection: I think i wouldn't want to be one. This is because i want to set my standards higher. Also it isn't a job that interests me.
Monday, May 23, 2016
Student Success Statement
“If I’ve got correct goals, and I keep pursuing them the best way I know how, everything else falls into line. If I do the right thing right, I’m going to succeed.”
~Dan Dierdorf
This is an excellent quote by Dan Dierdorf. What this quote means is that if you do the right thing everything else will be all right. Everything will fall into place and in order. In life you have to have goals. Goals are what keep us motivated. Goals are what makes us try harder and harder. In this world everyone wants something and in order to get that something they have to work really hard. A goal is like a plant. You have to feed it so it won’t die. If it dies then your dream died.
Wellness Specialist
Duties and responsibilities: A health educator assists clients with health, nutrition, exercise, and mental health. They can help women deal with issues uniquely related to females such as pregnancy , menstruation, and menopause and guides them in overall health.
Salary: $45,000 a year
Education: Bachelor's Degree in health education
Reflection: I think I wouldn't want to be a wellness specialist. This isn’t a career that interests me.
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Student Success Statement
“The most important thing you will ever have is good values.”
~Dennis Prager
This is a good quote by Dennis Prager. I think all people should follow this quote if they want to have a good life. Good values is something you should have. It is something you should pass on to your kids. What this quote means is that one of the best and most important things to have is good values. Good values are better than anything else. Good values are one of the factors that make you a good person. Having good values helps you CTR at all times. Good values are what you should thanks your parents for giving you. I think good values are extremely important in this world and many more people should have them.
Duties and Responsibilities: They examine, diagnose and treat animals. They also prescribe and administer animal medications. They take cell tissue samples and perform diagnostic test. Veterinarians also perform surgery on animals.
Salary: $84,460
Education: Doctoral or professional degree
Reflection: I think I would like to be a Veterinarian. I would love to help animals who are sick and I would like to help them feel better. When I was small I wanted to be a Veterinarian.
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Student Success Statement
“ The reward for doing right is mostly an internal phenomenon: self- respect, dignity (self-worth), integrity, and self-esteem.”
~Dr. Laura Schlessinger
This is an excellent quote by Dr. Laura Schlessinger. What is those means is that the reward for doing the right thing is more than just money. Money isn't what doing the right thing is about. Doing the right thing brings you much more. It gives you the reward of feeling good about yourself. It gives you self respect, dignity, integrity and self esteem. This is better than anything else. Money can’t buy you these things. For example if you find a cell phone you have to CTR and turn it in. Put yourself in that person's shoes, would you have liked it if they gave it back? You should turn it in and you will feel good about yourself and that is enough. Everything you do will eventually come back to you therefore you should do the right thing.
Sports Medicine
Duties and Responsibilities: Sport Medicine Therapist work with athletes and physicians to develop rehabilitation plans. Then they work one-on-one with the athlete, executing , and overseeing therapeutic techniques and ensuring that the rehabilitation plan stays on course.
Salary: $82,180
Education: Masters Degree in sports medicine , physical therapy, or athletic training
Reflection: I think i would like to be a sports medicine therapist. This is because i would like to be a doctor and also i love sports. I know what it is like to have an injury that's preventing you to play a sport therefore i would like to help those people.
Friday, May 13, 2016
Student Success Statement
Phillip Riggs’ Four Success Tips
- Work Hard
- Follow your passions. Do things you are interested in doing.
- Don’t chase after money.
- Serve others. Do good things for others, and good things will come to you.
These are some great Success tips from Phillip Riggs’. What he means is do what you love to do. Don't let money influence you on what you become. Money doesn't buy happiness. Money always comes and goes. It is better to be poor and do what you truly want to do, than to be rich doing something you hate doing. Not everything's about money, you are not rich until you have something money can’t buy. He also says that you have to work hard. If you work hard for your dreams soon , some day they will come true it all depends on how hard you work for them. He also says that if you do good, good things will come to you. If you CTR and help others then karma will pay you in a good way. Karma's only bad, if you are.
World Records
There are many world records out there. Each year more and more people all over the world set new records. The guinness book of world records is a book that contains records set by people. Some of the records are
- The oldest living women which passed away at 116 years old. Her name was Susannah Mushatta Jones and was from the USA.
- The oldest cat living name scooter which is 30 years old.
- California’s based candy company creates largest taffy candy in the world. Weighing 237.68 kg (524 lb).
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Student Success Statement
“ In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing.”
~Theodore Roosevelt
This is an excellent quote by Theodore Roosevelt. What is this quote means is that whenever you have to make a decision always do the right thing. Always chose the right choice. If you always do the right choice then you won't regret the decision you made. You never regret doing the right thing. For example if you have to chose between keeping the money or giving it back to the owner. Always chose the right decision which in this case would be giving the money back. This will make you feel good. If you were in that person's shoes you would have liked it if they gave you the money back. Always chose the right, it is something you won't regret.
Duties and responsibilities: A lawyer is someone who is licensed to practice law, and whose obligation is to uphold the law while also protecting their clients rights. Lawyers provide legal advice and counsel , researching and gathering information or evidence , drawing up legal documents related to divorces, wills, contracts, and real estate transactions and prosecuting or defending in court.
Salary: $113, 530
Education: Doctoral or professional degree
Reflection: I think I would like to be a lawyer. It would be interesting to help out people win their case. It will be satisfying knowing that thanks to be someone who was innocent is declared innocent.
Monday, May 9, 2016
Student Success Statement
“Nothing is ever gained in doing what’s wrong.”
~Wilford Woodruff
This is an outstanding quote by Wilford Woodruff. What is quote means is that when you do wrong you don't really get anything positive. When you do wrong it does not help you in anything. You do not grow as a person by doing wrong. You grow as a person when you do what is right not when you do what is wrong. When you do what is wrong you will get bad things. The only thing you will gain is a bad conscious and a bad reputation. You have to CTR no matter what. If you do the wrong it’s not going to help you gain anything. In fact if you do what is right it is going to help you. You will learn something out of it. You will gain something.
Mothers Day
Mothers day is a day honoring and celebrating to all the mothers in the world. Mothers day isn't a day just to celebrate the married mothers, also the single ones. It is a day to give thanks to our mom for always being there for us. For always taking care of us. For giving us so much love. For putting their happiness aside for ours. For giving it their all to try to give us anything. So that we always have food in our mouth and clothes on our back. So that we grow up to being like them and even better. To give thanks for teaching us many things and being who we are because without them we wouldn't be who we are. Without them we wouldn't even be here. There are many mothers out there who play both roles. They are still successful. They still raise their children correctly. It must be hard for a mother to play both roles that's why we also have to give thanks for that. Our mothers deserve a lot. A mother will always love you no matter what. No matter how many defects you have. They will always see the best of you. They will always be there for you and will help you no matter what.
Mothers day is a day honoring and celebrating to all the mothers in the world. Mothers day isn't a day just to celebrate the married mothers, also the single ones. It is a day to give thanks to our mom for always being there for us. For always taking care of us. For giving us so much love. For putting their happiness aside for ours. For giving it their all to try to give us anything. So that we always have food in our mouth and clothes on our back. So that we grow up to being like them and even better. To give thanks for teaching us many things and being who we are because without them we wouldn't be who we are. Without them we wouldn't even be here. There are many mothers out there who play both roles. They are still successful. They still raise their children correctly. It must be hard for a mother to play both roles that's why we also have to give thanks for that. Our mothers deserve a lot. A mother will always love you no matter what. No matter how many defects you have. They will always see the best of you. They will always be there for you and will help you no matter what.
Thursday, May 5, 2016
Student Success Statement
“It’s A GREAT MOMENT when someone has character to step up and do the right thing at the right time.”
~Pam Knox
This is an excellent quote by Pam Knox. What this quote means is that one of the greatest moments is when someone has the courage to do the right thing at the right time. There isn’t anything else better that that. It will feel good knowing you did the right thing. You will feel like a really good person, and that is the best feeling in the world. For example if someone is getting blamed for something they didn't do and you step up and say the truth. If you wouldn't of have said it that person would have been accused of something he/she did not do. You will feel great and that person will thank you. You always have to do what is right. Have the courage to do what is right 24/7.
Speech Pathologist
Duties and Responsibilities: Speech Pathologist Diagnose and treat individuals who suffer from stutters , as well as vocal and cognitive communication impairments. They also help those whose speech is affected by emotional issues, various learning disabilities and physical impairment such as cleft plate.
Salary: $70,810
Education: Masters degree in speech- language pathology
Reflection: I think i would like to be a Speech Pathologist. It would be great to help out people with speech problems. It would feel great knowing that you helped them out and thanks to you they are going to have a normal life.
I have been asked what i mean by ‘Word of honor’. I will tell you: Place me behind prison walls- walls of stone ever so high, ever so thick, reaching ever so far into the ground- there is a possibility that in some way or another i might be able to escape; but stand me on the floor and draw a chalk line around me and have me give my word of honor never to cross it. Can i get out of that circle? No never! I’d die first.”
This quote is an excellent quote. What it means is that you have to keep your word no matter what. If you say you are not going to do something then you shouldn't do it. If you say you are not going to eat for 2 days, then you shouldn't eat for 2 days. You have to be honorable to your promise. Even if you didn't promise shouldn't mean you shouldn't do it. Why say it if you are not going to follow it. You have to keep your word no matter what. No matter what the circumstances are. You can never break a promise.
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Medical Scientist
Duties and responsibilities:
The purpose of a medical health scientist is to discover new methods of enhancing the human health.
90,230 Annually
Education: Doctoral or professional degree
Reflection: I think i would like to be a medical scientist. It would be great to discovering new things for the human health. It can benefit many people.
Friday, April 29, 2016
The Ten Indian Commandments
1.Treat the earth and all that dwells therein with respect.
2. Remain close to the great spirit.
3. Show great respect to your fellow beings.
4. Work together for the benefit of all mankind.
5. Give assistance and kindness wherever needed.
6. Do what you know to be right.
7. Look after the well being of mind and body.
8. Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good.
9. Be truthful and honest at all times.
10. Take full responsibility for your actions.
These are the 10 indian commandments. These show how loyal the indians were. The indians were kind to others. They were also kind to earth. They treated the earth with respect. I think we should be like the indians and follow their example. If we follow their example we can help make earth a better place to live on. We will help not just the earth but the animals too. If we respect nature we will be respecting animals too. The indians were CTR.
Duties and responsibilities : Reflexologists work with patients to help them ease stress and tension in their lives. They perform therapeutic massage techniques to stimulate pressure points in patients hands and feet.
Salary: $39,760
Education: Associate's Degree
Reflection: I think i wouldnt like to be a reflexologist. Giving massages isn't my thing. It isn't a job that interests me.
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